Remarkable that the perp is unnamed in the article..... I mean, who are they protecting?
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
Up-skirt voyeur pervert is a Jehovah's Witness
by RayPublisher inthis jw guy put a camera in his bookbag and went around snapping pics... sick.. .
The Governing Body scenario is nearly identical to that in 1977 - no power
by Dogpatch inthe watchtower perposely keeps its leaders "cordoned off" for a reason.
the ones really in charge want to be invisible and have been in control since knorr's day, and still think like him.
the gb want like hell to be visible and powerful.
Room 215
Randy, you're in an iconoclastic frame of mind!
exJW Psychology 102--How to Ask a Question When Questions Aren't Allowed
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite innow that enough time has passed and i've moved away, i think i'm overdue to share some of the stories from my fade.
i've mentioned some of this before, but i think it deserves its own thread.. we all would like to be able to freely ask questions about jw beliefs and get our family and friends to really think about certain questions.
however, when you're a baptized jw, you really can't ask any good questions or you'll get the "apostate" label slapped on you!
Room 215
Good going, Billy; I tried a variation of your tactic when the Manchester Guardian published that item on the UN NGO question; brought it up before a post-bookstudy coffee-and-cookies session at my house. Two elders were present; lots of stammering before they trotted out the conjecture that the reporter "might well be an apostate."
At what point in the story did WT get it wrong, went off at a tangent?
by prologos inlooking at the bible narrative now, with open mind, the talking snake and all, it is a poorly contrived story.
all these clever people picking up and adding to the thread, the fabric its intriguing, certainly a valued literary work.
fiction.. using this story wt has woven another, parallel account that you would expect to harmonize with it, and hopefully attempt to connect with reality.. in your thinking, where did wt become unhinged, drifted off into total detachment?.
Room 215
At what point did any religion ever "have it right?"
At what point in the story did WT get it wrong, went off at a tangent?
by prologos inlooking at the bible narrative now, with open mind, the talking snake and all, it is a poorly contrived story.
all these clever people picking up and adding to the thread, the fabric its intriguing, certainly a valued literary work.
fiction.. using this story wt has woven another, parallel account that you would expect to harmonize with it, and hopefully attempt to connect with reality.. in your thinking, where did wt become unhinged, drifted off into total detachment?.
Room 215
I think the reactioonary, destructive 1980 Franz-Dunlap "witch hunt" and expulsion of several other progressive liberal minds set them on a downward course, a tailspin subsequently accelerated by the emergence of the internet.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 06-09-2013 WT Study (READ BIBLE)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 06-09-2013 wt study (april 15, 2013, pages 7-11)(read bible).
4. what does it mean to read the bible in an undertone?.
1:6) how, then, are we to understand jesus words about this generation?
Room 215
"made up of a small group of anointed brothers who are directly involved in preparing and dispensing spiritual food during Christ’s presence "
By saying "directly involved," are they suggesting that some on the GB actually write the articles and other printed matter? A highly dubious premise.
What problem did being a JW leave with your personality?
by frogonmytoe inand i don't (necessarily) mean a religious or spiritual one.. for example, i think the traces of guilt and paranoia i often fight with come from being a born-in, but my biggest issue by far is not being able to live in the moment.. i have listened to the power of now audiobook (and eckhart tolle's voice put me to sleep) so i read it instead.
i have read other self-help books, most of them buddhist in leaning, but i still find it hard to stop thinking only in the future (thanks to the great trib, armageddon), or in the past (jesus, flood, 1914 being responsible for that).
and whilst i no longer believe the big a is looming, and barely give anything else a second thought, my behaviour has projected itself, and i still find it difficult just to 'be' in the moment, enjoying and savouring what i'm doing, and doing it to the best of my ability, i'm forever thinking what is coming up, and what i did badly last time.. my sister said the last time i visited her that she felt like she was waiting for something to happen "but not like armageddon, something else".
Room 215
In my post -JW life, developing tolerance of diversity in cultures and attitudes, sensitivity to other people's needs, a social conscience, charitable impulses
Brothers who were held back from being elder for stupid reasons?
by toto555 indo you know of any cases where brothers didn't get to be elder for a stupid/bogus reason even though they otherwise qualified?
do you think some/most appointments are politicially motivated?
how much do you think politics plays in the appointment process versus merit?
Room 215
If anyone were "turned down" from being an elder, they were done an immense favor.
Anthony Morris The 3rd Talks About Human Hot Dogs At Armageddon, There Will Be No Picnic For Survivors
by frankiespeakin inwatch out for armageddon it is going to be numbing to human sensibilities:.
i guess he's thinkin jehovah's gonna roast them like a hot dogs burned to a charred ruination over a fire.
Room 215
I believe in a previous threat on this nut-job it was pointed out he served his Viet Nam tenure mainly on a posh military compound complete with barbershop, commissary, etc. Kinda reminds me of the Circuit Overseer involved in the Menlo Park (CA) Kingdom Hall fiasco who falsely claimed he was a Navy Seal.
Can I be a Christian if I cannot use a Bible?
by humbled indo i have to be literate to be a christian?.
if i only hear about jesus and simply call out and claim him as lord and savior could i be a christian?.
if i didn't trust men but trusted jesus and the spirit of god to guide me could i be a christian?.
Room 215
I wonder about how many of the primitive Christians were fully literate, and what the first-century rate of literacy was in the first two centuries of the Christian era.